Monday, June 23, 2014

First Inspiration

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by puppets. Not sure why- perhaps it is the character? Maybe the creativity? Or it could be they just make me happy. Yes, I was like a lot of kids when I was younger in which I would take an old sock, add mismatched button eyes, a scrap of felt and create a friend that would always do what I said (get it?). I did silly shows and painted backgrounds on large pieces of cardboard- the whole wagon (traveling show) through the neighborhood bit.  Everyone probably thought, "Look at that poor little gypsy child.  He's so cold he has socks on his hands."

But lately, as I grow older (and in need of more friends that will do what I say- ha!) I have been really interested in the craft of puppetry and creating specific characters- hopefully of a much better quality than that of just an odd stocking that no longer has a match. In that interest, I have been reading a lot about different styles of puppets through history and from different cultures while slowly carving out a space in a spare bedroom as an art room (puppet laboratory.)

Over the years, some friends, co-workers and myself have made puppets specific for shows- from tiny glove and finger puppets to full-size head to foot (and beyond) walk about body puppets. I have lots of pictures of the finished products, but very few of the process. It's that process that leads to the inspiration of creativity which makes building things from scratch so darn interesting.

So hear I am. Posting the first of what I think will be a fun experiment. I'll try to add pictures and sketches as I go along and maybe even a video or two. To get me started: a wonderful piece of inspiration/art/comedy/pure joy. This is one of my favorite scenes from the first season of the Muppet Show. Who knew a chunk of foam could make me laugh so hard?!?!


Oh yea, and later I'll explain the significance of the name Pink Wand Puppets.  Hope you enjoy and follow along!

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